Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 2012

Here it is December and Christmas has come and gone.  What a fun month we had this month....starting with my niece's wedding at the Draper Temple. 
The Newlyweds

My siblings and dad (Nate, Lynette, Dad, Paula, Myself and Joe)

We also were able to enjoy our Family Christmas Party, where we eat, enjoying each others assocation and exchanging White Elephant Gifts.  This has become quite the traditional and we all seem to be on the hunt for the best White Elephant Gifts throughout the year.  Some of the gifts that showed up this year include bowling balls, Records, Jewelry box, a box of old cell phones, Richard Simmons outfit and Videos, A fancy Hat and a Calendar (yes, it is a 2013 calendar).

Here is Aaron in his attempt to find the best Gift at the Party.

Annie, Kellie, Paul and Stephanie



David and Michael

Michael (Hum...... will he model this?)


Alexis did a Photo Booth for all of us....Here are just a few of the photos I was able to snap

Dave, Santa and Heidi

Lindsey and Ryan

Stacey and Rylli

Kaden and Sierra (and Rylli's eye)

Matson and Jake
Annie and Alexis
Jake and Michael       

Also, my sister gave me a Amaryllis to plant this year....and yes, it bloomed.  Reminds me of my Mom and how she would always have one at Christmas time.  It was definitely fun to watch it grow.

 Actually ended up for 4 big blooms!

At the end of this Christmas Season, and as the New Year approaches, we  hope that 2013 will be a  great year that is  full of happy times and great memories for all our family and friends.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finished Back Yard Project

   After hauling 1 load of dirt, 1 load of sand and 2 loads of rock, the back yard project is almost done.  Just need to add some bigger boulders to the area, and  plant the flowers/bulbs (and hope they grow next Spring (and every year after that!).  It has been a fun project and one that was a work in progress and changed on a weekly basis.  We are glad it is done and we can sit back and enjoy it now.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where did Summer of 2012 go?

Here we are at the beginning of a new school year?  Didn't school just get out for the Summer?  Not sure where that went.

As I realize the last post  was November 2011 and it was our family photo shoot, I'm a little embarrassed that it was so long ago.  I am not sure where the time has gone, but it is gone!

We are in the process of finishing our back, back yard (I call it "The Orchard", not because it is big, but because we have Cherry Trees and Walnut Trees and they were planted a very long time ago).  I am not very good at remembering to take the "before" pictures, so I guess you'll have to wait to see the finished product at this time (you'll just have to use your imagination and think  "dirt and weeds".

Logging on to post a blog and add a new favorite website, I realized they have changed the site...when did that happen?  And to think, I was just getting the hang of the old way. I guess I will just have to get on here more often, so I can "learn" where and what to do with blogging!

Ry is excited to be back in school (or is it Mom that is excited) officially at the High School.  She was busy this summer with Church Activities, Online classes, piano and spending time with friends.   Linz has received her Degree from College and is looking for new adventures/more schooling in the near future. She has also become a Marathon Maniac and ran several Marathons and 1/2 Marathons this summer! I think this was her first summer of actually having a summer!  We are proud of our girls and the choices they make and the joy they bring to our family!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 2011 = Family Picture Time

Fall is all but gone and it is time (well, actually past time) for our yearly photos. I always have good intentions to get these done earlier in the year, but for some reason it never happens until it is really cold outside. Trying to arrange everyone's schedule is getting really difficult, but I pulled my "mom" strings and said, "Be here and be ready to smile!". It actually happened.....I guess we will try this tactic again when the weather warms up.

Here are some of the pictures......

Monday, November 7, 2011

October News

October was a busy month for us. October 1, was the day I ran the St. George Marathon for the 10th time! Yeah -- finally made it to the Ten Year Club. No more Lottery for me! My brother Nate and daughter Lindsey ran it for the first time. It was fun to be at the start line with them.....then they waited at the finish line for me to arrive. The day was very hot and I don't think I have seen as many Ambulances going up and down the canyon as I did this year. I heard the ER at the Hospital was Chaos...glad that was just hearsay and not something I had to experience.

Monday after the Marathon, Dave and I flew to Boston for a little get away. This year we celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary and this was a delayed trip to celebrate. He wanted to go earlier, but I just didn't feel I could get away and not have my Marathon training interrupted..... We were able to visit the Cape Cod area, along with Cape Ann (North of Boston) and we even traveled as far North as Portland Maine. I love Light Houses---so Dave took me to see a bunch, and I mean a bunch as in 17! It was great and the Lighthouses are all unique and beautiful. Here are some of my favorite pictures of our trip.

The end of October, I ran the Halloween Half Marathon with Lindsey, Shelly, Britney, Alexis and Mady! Rylli was so excited for us and wanted us to dress up, so she made us Tutu's to wear for the event. Alot of fun was had by those who participated. We arrived at the start line with plenty of time to spare, but because of these ladies I was with, we laughed and laughed and laughed some more and the time passed very quickly and we were soon on our way down the mountain to the finish line 13.1 miles later.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back yard Project

As indicated in my earlier blog, we have been renovating the back yard. Here are pictures of the "before". This deck has been a part of the landscape since 1994. I would say it is time to be replaced, don't you?

The flower beds need help too!. This is just one of the flower beds in the yard, I hope it is on the plan for something new too......

Here are the "During" the project pictures:

Decks and stairs have been removed. Watch your's a big one!

The air conditioner was moved to the side of the house......

Grass had to be taken out to make room for the new deck and pergola.

It looks like we are ready to move to the next stage of our project.

Concrete done...I sure hope everything comes together...... Here we go....

Waiting for the railing on the deck, the Pergola is put up. This project is coming together and I can't wait for it to be done.

After a few more days, the project is complete.....Here is the finished project

Needless to say, I am enjoying my new back yard and my favorite spot in the mornings is on my new back deck. After living in the South, my dream has been to have a front porch big enough for rocking chairs so I can enjoy the evening air. However, I am very happy with my back deck with room for the rocking chairs and not only do I enjoy the afternoon air, I also get the enjoy the morning air as well.

A new back door was also part of the renovation.

This is one of my flower beds that received new mulch and a few plants. What a fun and productive summer it has been so far. However, there is more to the back yard to be completed, but that may need to wait.